Should Your Construction Company Have A Safety Coordinator?

Safe working conditions protect employees and property, and providing a safe working environment is also a legal concern. No matter how skilled you or your crew may be, accidents can happen to anyone, but you can often reduce the chances for accidents and injuries on a worksite by having a dedicated safety coordinator on your team. Below are just some of the aspects of on-the-job safety that a dedicated safety coordinator oversees:

Chemical Safety Oversight

Working with any type of chemicals, including bonding agents, on a worksite leaves the door open to potential danger. You can specify epoxy anchors for all your construction needs from a company like BACO Enterprises, but you have to understand the proper handling of the epoxy in order to utilize these products in a safe manner. Chemical agents found in things like AC 100 epoxy, A7+ epoxy anchors and HY200 epoxy anchors can lead to health and safety concerns if they are misused. A safety coordinator can provide research and monitoring services to ensure that workers are educated regarding the safe usage of chemicals and to ensure compliance with safety regulations.

Physical Safety Monitoring

The physical operation of machinery on a construction site is often integral to getting large-scale projects done efficiently, but industrial machines can also be dangerous. This is even more of a concern when you have many large machines operating at the same time in a small space. A safety coordinator can work with your various building teams to schedule times for various machine operations to ensure that you don’t end up with a dangerous situation. Additionally, your safety coordinator can monitor operations in real-time to catch and flag unsafe operation before it leads to an accident or injury.

Creating Safety Action Plans

Having a plan in place to handle safety concerns is another key piece of the puzzle when it comes to reacting to accidents and injuries. Your safety coordinator can work with your various building teams to identify areas of concern on specific worksites and craft safety action plans to prevent problems before they happen. If an accident occurs, your safety action plan can help to mitigate any detrimental effects.

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Government Liaison Services

Aside from monitoring safety conditions and crafting safety action plans, your safety coordinator can also serve as your company’s liaison for government. Agencies like the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) and the Department of Labor have specific guidelines that should be followed regarding worker safety on worksites.

To add to this, local and state governments also have permitting and construction standards that must be adhered to. Due to the plethora of rules to follow, the burden of keeping up with everything while ensuring your site remains in compliance can be time-consuming. With a safety coordinator on your team, you may have an easier time navigating government regulations while keeping your focus on your daily tasks.

Safety Reporting Confidant

While it’s unfortunate, workers can sometimes be hesitant to report safety violations to management for fear that they will incur repercussions. This then leads to safety violations going unreported until an accident occurs. A safety coordinator can serve as a confidant to your employees who may want to report violations in private.

This may also help your company protect itself from legal issues since it provides a clear measure workers can take to report unsafe conditions. If a worker can make the case they feel intimidated into silence if no private channel exists to report safety violations, your company could end up in court after an accident. A safety coordinator can serve as a dedicated reporting authority who can investigate and rectify safety violations while protecting the reporting worker’s privacy.

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