Spoil Your Fur Babies With These 7 Cat Must-Haves!

It does not matter if you are a new fur parent or someone who has been keeping one for years, we all agree with one thing: spoiling our fur babies! And when you are a cat person, you understand how hyperactive pets can be, given their random bursts of energy. After all, cat playtime is a must. At times, there will be instances that they damage our furniture. But of course, we still want the best for our pets. Speaking of the best, there are a few things that we can buy for our friendly feline. Here are some things for you to check out!  

  • Cat shelves

Living in a tight space? Installing some cat shelves gives your fur baby more space to explore and play with. This is also best to keep them comfortable indoors. Also, wouldn’t it be a great sight to see your feline chilling on the shelves? Aside from being a play area, this can also double as chic home decor! There are a few things that you can check online. For example, rope shelves, handcrafted cat hammocks, wood cat climbers, and more! One great source is Storables.com. It has a few suggestions and a variety of materials that you can choose from. 

  • Cat carrier

Going on a trip to the vet or going on a picnic? You are going to need a pet carrier so you can drag your fur baby along. Like cat shelves, carriers also come in different forms. You can get a standard hand carry, or get a chic backpack design. Remember to keep your cat’s comfort when browsing for one. There are also hard plastic carriers and soft carriers. The former is best for your cat’s comfort, while the latter is more durable. 

  • Litter boxes

When adopting a new feline, it is best to train it. Unlike dogs, you don’t have to lead them outside your home to do their business. All you need is a kitty litter box. Some things that you need to check when shopping for a litter box are the size, style, hood, type of litter, and odor control. If you have the budget, you can get a self-cleaning litter box. This is best if you have more than one fur baby. It typically comes in two styles: manual and electronic.

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  • Scratching post

It is no secret that cats love to scratch things. When they go outdoors, they usually scratch trees or rocks. It is their way to mark their territory, do some stretching, or wear down their sharp claws. But if you are keeping your cat indoors, your furniture is susceptible to damages. That is why most fur parents recommend getting a scratch post. Aside from the traditional ones, you can also check out wall-mounted posts or horizontal posts.

  • Interactive toys

Sometimes, your cat can get bored with a ball of yarn. Naturally, felines are hunters, even though they have the reputation of being lazy. That is why they randomly chase something when they get a burst of energy. Now that you provide their meal, they need a new activity to divert and hone their hunting skills. Cat toys are specially made for this purpose. Aside from cat scratchers, you can check out cat tunnels, teaser wands, and balls. There are tons of toys to choose from. There are even plushies and remote-controlled toys to be more interactive. Playing with your cat is a great way to bond with them.

  • Cat Food Dispenser

If you are frequently not home or someone who keeps forgetting to feed their cats on time, then you need a cat food dispenser. Automating your cat’s meal can take some worry off on your part. Plus, this is also a great way to make sure that your feline friend sticks to a regular eating schedule. You can set up the portion sizes and feeding times. And there are even specific models that you can control by using a phone app!

  • Cat collar

If you have an outdoor cat who loves to wander around the neighborhood, then you need to put a collar on your pet. It serves as an identification tag that you might find useful if it gets lost, or going on a trip to the vet. Protip: when measuring the proper collar size, y should be able to get two fingers under the collar. This is to make sure that your cat is still comfortable while wearing one.

Show your fur babies some love!

Millions of cat owners will agree that felines are the best pets, thus, they deserve to be spoiled. Listed above are some must-haves that your fur baby will instantly love. But remember, at the end of the day, it is more important for you to spend time with your pet!

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