What Is Plaint Under CPC?

Are you curious to know what is plaint under CPC? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about plaint under CPC in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is plaint under CPC?

In the realm of civil litigation in India, the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) serves as the guiding framework that governs the procedural aspects of civil cases. A fundamental element within the CPC is the concept of a plaint. A plaint is a formal document filed by a plaintiff, initiating a civil lawsuit and providing the foundation for the legal proceedings. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance and key aspects of a plaint under the CPC, shedding light on its role in the civil litigation process.

What Is Plaint Under CPC?

A plaint plays a vital role in the civil litigation process. It serves as the primary document through which a plaintiff presents their case to the court, outlining their claims, allegations, and prayers for relief. The primary purpose of a plaint is to bring the attention of the court to the dispute and establish the legal grounds on which the plaintiff seeks a remedy.

Key Elements Of A Plaint Under The CPC:

  1. Title and Description of the Case: A plaint begins with a concise title that provides a clear indication of the nature of the case and the parties involved. It sets the stage for the court proceedings and helps in determining the appropriate jurisdiction.
  2. Parties Involved: The plaint identifies the plaintiff(s) – the individual or entity bringing the lawsuit – and the defendant(s) against whom the claim is made. It includes their names, addresses, and relevant details establishing their legal identity and connection to the dispute.
  3. Statement of Facts: This section of the plaint presents a chronological and coherent account of the relevant facts and events leading to the dispute. It outlines the context and circumstances that gave rise to the cause of action, providing a comprehensive understanding of the case.
  4. Cause of Action: The plaint must clearly state the legal basis or cause of action upon which the plaintiff’s claim is founded. It articulates the legal rights violated, the legal duty breached by the defendant, and the corresponding claim for relief.
  5. Prayer for Relief: The plaint specifies the specific remedies or relief sought by the plaintiff. This may include claims for monetary compensation, injunctions, specific performance, or any other appropriate relief based on the nature of the case.
  6. Valuation and Court Fees: The plaintiff is required to assign a monetary value to their claim for the purpose of court fees and jurisdictional determination. The valuation should reflect the worth of the claim or the extent of the relief sought.
  7. Verification: The plaint must be signed and verified by the plaintiff or their authorized representative. The verification is a declaration that the facts stated in the plaint are true and correct to the best of the plaintiff’s knowledge and belief.


A plaint holds immense significance within the CPC as it serves as the foundation for civil litigation. It provides a structured and formal means for plaintiffs to present their case before the court, outlining their claims, establishing the cause of action, and seeking appropriate remedies. Understanding the key elements of a plaint under the CPC is crucial for both plaintiffs and legal professionals, as it ensures a clear and comprehensive presentation of the case, facilitating a fair and efficient resolution of civil disputes. By adhering to the requirements of a plaint, litigants can effectively navigate the civil litigation process and engage in a just and orderly pursuit of their legal rights.

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What Is Plaint Under Order 7 Of CPC?

“A plaint can be said to be a statement of claim, a document, by presentation of which the suit is instituted. Its object is to state the grounds upon which the assistance of the court is sought by the plaintiff. It is the pleading of the plaintiff.”

What Do You Mean By A Plaint?

Meaning of plaint in English

an official legal complaint against someone that is used in a court of law: Once the particulars of the claim have been filed, the judge must enter a plaint in the court record. a plaint fee/number/record. Compare.

Where Is Plaint In CPC?

Plaint is defined in order 7 of CPC. Rules 1 to 8 of Order 7 relate to particulars in a plaint. Rule 9 lays down the procedure for plaint being admitted.

What Is The Difference Between Suit And Plaint In CPC?

A suit is instituted by presentation of plaint before the Court. A ‘plaint’ is written application made by plaintiff against defendant seeking relief from the Court. A plaint is pleading and should conform to the rules of pleading. Along with plaint, plaintiff shall file documents on which he relies for the relief.

What Is The Difference Between Rejection And Return Of Plaint?

There is a stark difference between rejection of the plaint and return of the plaint. Return of the plaint is concerned with the question of jurisdiction of the Court whereas Rejection of plaint with the maintainability of the suit.

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What Is A Plaint Under CPC

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Plaint In CPC Pdf

Plaint And Written Statement Under CPC

Plaint Order 7 CPC

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Plaint Format

Written Statement CPC Pdf

What Is Plaint Under CPC

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What is a plaint in CPC?