Trading In The Cloud? It’s The Future!

Traditional communication in the financial markets has been done using trading turrets, phone banks, manually updated stock tickers and more. Today, however, the use of trading turrets in a cloud-based solution is more likely to be found at brokerages or on a trading floor. Cloud hosted trader voice services are also more and more common these days since these services provide all of the benefits of traditional market communications hardware without the hassle and expense of owning a network of your own.

As networking has become easier and more secure, more and more operations that were once thought to only be possible in person are moving to the cloud. Cloud computing allows for data to be sent, stored and received from virtually anywhere in the world, and remote computing has opened all kinds of doors for the financial services sector to gain access to faster processing power and up-to-the second updates about developments in the financial markets.

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Access To Products As A Service

You may have heard about software-as-a-service (SaaS) before, but this business model actually extends to equipment usage and more. For example, turret as a service can be a way to access trading turrets on a hosted trader platform without the need to actually purchase a turret. Once again, this provides all of the benefits of having a trading turret without the need to spend money on purchasing and maintaining your own equipment or software.

Because this happens through hosted trader voice services that exist on a secure remote server. You don’t have to maintain the server, hassle with networking or networking components and you don’t have to worry about upgrading software or security protocols. Your service provider handles all of this by employing networking and security experts who specialize in information technology.

The Drawbacks Of Cloud-Based Turret And Voice Services

Even though cloud-based services have a lot of positives, there are some drawbacks to consider before investing in and moving your operations to the cloud. First, these types of services are generally available on a subscription basis. In some cases, you may need to lock into an annual subscription in order to get the lowest price. This can tie up resources in a commitment that may not work out for your specific needs.

Second, cloud-based technology is only as good as the networking that holds everything together. Even if your cloud services provider has the best networking in the world, all it takes is for a slow connection or an outdated PC on your end to grind everything to a slow crawl. Because your financial services business is connecting to a remote server for trader voice and turret access, you need to make sure that your own connection and access equipment will be able to handle the bandwidth necessary to fully take advantage of these technologies.

Is Cloud Computing Really The Future Of Finance?

While there’s no way to know where technology will lead in the coming years, it’s a fairly safe bet that cloud-based technologies will continue to become more advanced while also becoming more user-friendly. Even now, many cloud-based services and applications in the financial sector are virtually indistinguishable from their in-person counterparts. With time, you may be able to sit at a computer or pick up a voice line and instantly be connected to anywhere in the world without a millisecond of delay.

This means faster service for clients, more productivity for your company and new opportunities to form partnerships. This also means that trades can be executed faster, and as you already know, speed and timing are two of the most crucial elements in trading.

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